Thursday, May 6, 2010

Six Months Out!

Mom and Dad, and Kathy, thanks for the reminders to get back on this blog! It's a great day to be back. Just so happens that Ironman Florida is 6 months from today!!!!

So, in honor of the six-month countdown, here are six updates
1) I ran a marathon in Northern California on March 21, and had a nutritional meltdown. As in, not enough electrolytes/calories/hydration, so my legs locked up at around mile 23. I finished, but it wasn't pretty. Still, a fantastic lesson learned about not taking a nutritional plan for granted.

2) After a winter that seemed like it would never end, it's finally spring!!

3) The Rumpass in Bumpass Triathlon (on April 17) was a good start to the season. Kind of a rough swim because it was so choppy, but lots of room for improvement. Finished within 2 minutes of my time last year (which was also my personal best at the Olympic distance).

4) I'm starting to have an appreciation for how precious time is when training for an Ironman. I know I haven't even gotten to the time-intensive rides/runs yet, but I can see that fitting it in with "life stuff" (work, and some kind of social life with family/friends) is going to be a challenge. Still, it helps to clarify a lot about life, seizing the day and all that.

5) Guinness is good for you!

That's why I'm having a pint before.....

6) The Kinetic Half-Ironman's in two days!! A fantastic opportunity to start practicing that long-course stuff.

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